rubber boots, rain and ravioli
rain + puddles + rubber boots = awesome
so does this ravioli i whipped up in a desperate attempt to convince dr. science that i really need a pasta-maker. like, for reals. yo.

thinly sliced mushrooms and one small onion (frying pan 15 minutes)
food processor (zoom zoom)
one cup ricotta cheese
rain + puddles + rubber boots = awesome
so does this ravioli i whipped up in a desperate attempt to convince dr. science that i really need a pasta-maker. like, for reals. yo.
thinly sliced mushrooms and one small onion (frying pan 15 minutes)
food processor (zoom zoom)
one cup ricotta cheese
look at all them vegetables!
is that spargel i see in the background? how can you complain about fresh vegetables when you know that we dresdners only get asparagus for eight days of the year?
huh? punk!
i was wondering if you would notice.
i broke down yesterday and bought vegetables out of season. i said "sorry, mr. environment, but you're screwed anyways. and i want spargel"
best. decision. ever.
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