here we go again

if it seems like my posts come in spurts, it's because i keep making promises to blog every dinner i eat, and at first i'm super excited about it and good at it and then i get busy or forget or my batteries die. so bin ich eben.

but tonight adam was in need of some comfort food. and for me that always means...

tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.

for the tomato soup, i roasted some tomatoes with garlic and onion and thyme and then mashed it all up in the food processor with some chicken stock and sugar and sea salt and pepper.

the grilled cheese was a lovely jalapeno havarti on mixed rye. but for those of you who did not have the awesome experience of being a child in north america in the eighties i give you this.

somewhat different from my variety. but probably more comforting.


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